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The prenuptial support group can help partners identify areas likely to cause conflict later on, and either work through these issues in the early stages of the relationship.
Mondays Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31

Prenuptial or Premarital Support Group, usually provided by marriage and family therapists, is believed to offer benefit to all couples who are considering a long-term commitment such as marriage. Typically, the goal is to identify and address any potential areas of conflict in a relationship early on, before those issues become serious concerns, and teach partners effective strategies for discussing and resolving conflict.

Partners seeking counseling before marriage may also find that premarital counseling can help them better understand their expectations about marriage and address any significant differences in a safe and neutral environment.

Couples counseling can help intimate partners address concerns that arise in the course of their relationship, but prenuptial support group can help partners identify areas likely to cause conflict later on—finances, child-rearing methods, career goals, and family dynamics, among others—and either work through these issues in the early stages of the relationship, if possible or develop a plan to address them in the years to come. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, which was conducted via a random telephone survey, showed couples who had participated in some type of premarital counseling program were 31% less likely to divorce.


CFO | Sound Healer | 3rd Waves Therapies, CBHT

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El cliente reconoce que los grupos de apoyo NO involucran el diagnóstico o el tratamiento.
de los trastornos mentales según lo define la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría y que apoyan
Los grupos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de la consejería, la psicoterapia, el psicoanálisis,
atención de salud mental, tratamiento por abuso de sustancias u otro asesoramiento profesional por parte de un
médicos u otros profesionales calificados y que es responsabilidad exclusiva de los clientes
buscar la orientación profesional independiente que sea necesaria. Si el cliente se encuentra actualmente bajo el
cuidado de un profesional de la salud mental, se recomienda que el cliente informe de inmediato
el proveedor de atención de salud mental si la naturaleza y el alcance de la relación del grupo de apoyo.

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