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Post-Covid Support Group

Post-Covid Support Group

Life Post-Covid (Spanish & English)

First Talk:

Presentation on my part and a summary of the experience, before, during, after recovery.
Presentation of each participant, recounting her experience with reference to Covid 19.
The above, with the purpose of being able to evaluate the degree of emotional affection.

Second Talk:
The pandemic has changed our lives.
Identify the type of sequelae in the participants, be it physical, emotional, of long or medium duration, such as prolonged isolation, restrictions that have affected them, and what type of condition they are suffering, whether they are fear, anxiety, exhaustion, depression, etc.

Third Talk:
Time to recover my daily life.
A short talk about self-knowledge and worthiness.
Practical exercises of believing in yourself, setting purposes in life, spending time to increase spirituality.

Fourth Talk:
It is the continuity of the third, given the little time we have for these exercises.
The proposed topics are subject to discussion and changes with you.
I remain awaiting your opinions and am at my entire disposal to carry out the mentioned program.


espacio de oficina

Actualmente estamos agotados, pero las prĆ³ximas fechas comenzarĆ”n pronto.

Si estƔ interesado en unirse a nuestro grupo de apoyo. Por favor siƩntase libre

para unirse a nuestra lista de espera.

El cliente reconoce que los grupos de apoyo NO involucran el diagnĆ³stico o el tratamiento.
de los trastornos mentales segĆŗn lo define la AsociaciĆ³n Estadounidense de PsiquiatrĆ­a y que apoyan
Los grupos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de la consejerƭa, la psicoterapia, el psicoanƔlisis,
atenciĆ³n de salud mental, tratamiento por abuso de sustancias u otro asesoramiento profesional por parte de un
mƩdicos u otros profesionales calificados y que es responsabilidad exclusiva de los clientes
buscar la orientaciĆ³n profesional independiente que sea necesaria. Si el cliente se encuentra actualmente bajo el
cuidado de un profesional de la salud mental, se recomienda que el cliente informe de inmediato
el proveedor de atenciĆ³n de salud mental si la naturaleza y el alcance de la relaciĆ³n del grupo de apoyo.

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