Jewish Clergy and the Challenges of Community Spiritual Service - Level 1
Jewish Clergy and the Challenges of Community Spiritual Service - Level 1
Available on Mondays 12 pm - 1:30 pm
*Level 2 will be offered at a later date
Course Description:
A practical, interactive, and tool-providing course designed for Rabbis and Cantors, and which focuses on personal and professional topics including, stress, boundaries, spirituality and faith, Jewish values and family.
As clergy, we encounter many professional and personal challenges that require our attention. Ours is a stressful profession that demands a great deal from us and requires us to engage personally and genuinely while maintaining boundaries that will provide us with emotional security and maintain our family’s privacy. Spirituality and faith are at times challenged and tested; it is possible that our relationship with God has evolved during our years of service and this impacts our work as well.
This course has been built to assist you in responding to these challenges along your journey in your calling and profession. The course will build on the study of Jewish texts from Talmud, Midrash, and Halakha which relate to the challenges written above, and will then present NLP (see below “What is NLP?”) based tools to deal with these challenges. The use will be made of Guided Imagery as well
The Level 1 course consists of 4 weekly Zoom meetings; the duration of each meeting will be 1.5 hours.
The Course will include:
ü Study of classic texts from the Jewish tradition that relate to these challenges followed by discussion.
ü Insights and concepts and tools from NLP (see below “What Is NLP?”) will be incorporated into the work.
ü Practice using NLP tools for engaging these professional and personal challenges.
ü Guided Imagery.
ü Interactive classes with an opportunity for sharing and discussion.
ü Opportunity to meet clergy with different backgrounds and professional expertise.
ü Sharing with other clergy and learning from them.
What is NLP? Neuro-Linguistic Programing is an extraordinary tool for achieving our personal goals. It focuses on emotions, thoughts, and behavior and provides tools and mechanisms for making changes in a wide variety of human endeavors. NLP has application in areas as diverse as parenting, employment, interpersonal relations, personal satisfaction, phobias, personal habits, and much more. Its impact has been felt in fields from art to science, from sports to business.
* Those enrolled in the course have the possibility of a personal and private meeting with the instructor at a separate and reduced cost.
About the Instructor: Rabbi Shlomo Tucker was born in the US, where he received most of his professional training. He is an educator and teacher and has served as a congregational and educational leader. He is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary in NY, and his career has focused on Jewish education and congregational leadership, with experience both in North America and in Israel, where he now lives. He has served as a mentor and consultant for students and clergy. He is the past Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary. He is also a highly trained NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer with a private clinic in Jerusalem and with expertise in Guided Imagery. He has been teaching NLP in various formats for over 10 years.
El cliente reconoce que los grupos de apoyo NO involucran el diagnóstico o el tratamiento.
de los trastornos mentales según lo define la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría y que apoyan
Los grupos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de la consejería, la psicoterapia, el psicoanálisis,
atención de salud mental, tratamiento por abuso de sustancias u otro asesoramiento profesional por parte de un
médicos u otros profesionales calificados y que es responsabilidad exclusiva de los clientes
buscar la orientación profesional independiente que sea necesaria. Si el cliente se encuentra actualmente bajo el
cuidado de un profesional de la salud mental, se recomienda que el cliente informe de inmediato
el proveedor de atención de salud mental si la naturaleza y el alcance de la relación del grupo de apoyo.