Healing through Torah & Musar (Torahpia)
Healing through Torah & Musar (Torahpia)
Spiritual coaching sessions from a Biblical perspective.
Healing through Torah & Musar - Thursdays 10-11:30
Like you, when I was little I would read books and watch movies. Most of the times I would connect and identify with the characters and start feeling like them. I used to learn a tremendous amount of a life lessons by assimilating their lives with mine. Until today, I find it very helpful. Biblical stories, whether you
you are a person of faith from any religion or not, can do that for you; in fact, it does it for me. Biblical characters are just like you and like me, they are very humane; with their strengths and weaknesses.
The Torah (Pentateuch-First five books of the Bible) is a book full of life’s experiences, episodes presenting the complexity of human relationships. Torahpia is the brainchild of our owner, rabbinical student Cantor Gastón Bogomolni, 3 series of 4 sessions of spiritual coaching sessions mixed with study, exercises, Musar and mindfulness. Torahpia is for individuals, couples, families and groups.
El cliente reconoce que los grupos de apoyo NO involucran el diagnóstico o el tratamiento.
de los trastornos mentales según lo define la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría y que apoyan
Los grupos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de la consejería, la psicoterapia, el psicoanálisis,
atención de salud mental, tratamiento por abuso de sustancias u otro asesoramiento profesional por parte de un
médicos u otros profesionales calificados y que es responsabilidad exclusiva de los clientes
buscar la orientación profesional independiente que sea necesaria. Si el cliente se encuentra actualmente bajo el
cuidado de un profesional de la salud mental, se recomienda que el cliente informe de inmediato
el proveedor de atención de salud mental si la naturaleza y el alcance de la relación del grupo de apoyo.